Thursday, May 15, 2008

Three Years And Counting (Like A Drunk Backwards From 89)

This is about the longest I've ever committed to anything but my job. I would like to say something pithy and clever about all of this but why start now. I noticed that on the first anniversary I acknowledged it with an entry but in the second year I completely forgot and had just one lame post the entire month. That was apparently a rough year as I only had 11 entries. 2007 was just mildly entertaining. I actually have a hard time writing this thing. I'm glad I have though, every six months or so I go back through old posts and reread my favorites. It's a happy set of circumstances that I started this close to the beginning of my relationship with Lisa. Well kind of, it was actually about two years later, but it's closer to the beginning the longer we're together (sure that makes sense).

The blog is a lot like the the Kodak picture books I started making for us. We have a book for each year we've been together. The purpose is two-fold. 1) We have a keep sake of our life together 2) I have a record of how long we've been together. I just count the books and I know what anniversary we're on.

As I'm always mentioning, it gets harder to write for various reasons. For one thing I'm just not that creative and I find myself regurgitating old jokes and trying to force them down your throat like a Momma Robin to her baby. Second is the old stand-by everyone has, time. No need to elaborate on that one. I also get self-conscience. As I've regurgitated before, I know people are reading this. It seems an odd, slightly self-centered pursuit to think that other people give a crap about what you have to say. I guess there is always the hope that you'll get some responses from readers that will lead to an interesting dialog. Doesn't really happen though. And then there's the new job. Even though I don't mention it I still fear that someone from the place I'm interviewing will find this site and think I'm serious about half the hogwash I write here. As much as I would love to pretend to be brave and act like I don't care I'm well aware of the fact that employers do look at these things and judge an applicant based on his or her web page. At least I haven't posed nude on my page. Yet!

So looking ahead what can you the reading public expect? (Isn't it cute by the way how I still write this like someone besides me is reading it?) Well, what you can expect is more winning lotto numbers like this one 09-12-39-24-18-29. And a clip show of all my high lights. Oh and more full frontal nudity!!!

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