Monday, August 24, 2009

My New Glasses

13 years after having the old school RK surgery (that's blades in the eyeballs bubba) it was time for glasses. Bifocals no less. I used to not wear my glasses as much as possible when I was younger. I hated them and thought they made me look like a dweeb. How times have changed. I couldn't wait to get the new ones, they're Oakleys which makes me think I'm cool. Plus I can see again. It's funny how priorities shift as you get older. I used to carry a comb with me everywhere to keep the hair neat. I was obsessive about it until I just shaved my head. I used to be embarrassed by my acne scars, now I think they add character. It's nice to grow old and not worry about what I look like, although I do think I should have Photoshopped this picture of me and maybe a little Grecian Formula for beards.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What's The Problem?

There seems to be a controversy brewing with my in-laws concerning my mother-in-law's birthday cake. My wife wants my sister-in-law to subtly find out which type of cake she likes so they can surprise here with the appropriate flavor. This was discussed today at great length. I don't know what to think about this. Are my wife and the sis-in-law blowing it out of proportion or is my mother-in-law way too picky. My feelings on this matter have always been; white, chocolate, or red velvet, it's all good. In-laws are weird.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Toyota At The North Rim Of Black Canyon

The Toyota At The North Rim Of Black Canyon
Originally uploaded by brian glass

I like this picture of my truck. I figured since I've been such a pill on here lately I would stop bitching for one post, but only one.

Health care reform sucks!!! Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Friday, August 14, 2009

World Due To End In The Year 2000

See the report here...

Oh, wait.

More Health Care, Again, Some More

Okay, let's get something strait right away. I don't think Obama is setting up "Death Panels" although as far as political hyperbole goes it has a nice ring to it. Take all the misinformation on all sides of this argument and throw all of them out but one. It's not the government's job to provide health care (along with the thousands of things it's not government's job to do). I know that's not an excuse. I actually saw one of these so called "reality checks" that have been popping up lately proclaim that the bill was alright because the government is already running health care. Oh, okay, I feel stupid for being against it I guess.

All you need to know is that we already pay 42 percent of our income to some form of tax (give or take, depends where you get your numbers, and of course I'm stacking them in my favor). The biggest problem with liberalism is the fact that liberals for the most part are really sincere in their desire to help those less fortunate. I'm the same way and believe me if I had about 30 percent more of my income there would be some happy charities.

I wish I hadn't been a crack pot anti-government loud mouth all these years because now when it really counts I just sound like my old dumb-ass self. In all sincerity I believe this is the worst case of government over stepping it's bounds since the Patriot Act.

My wife and I have had a series of medical issues the past two years and despite what anyone is saying I am out of this world happy with my coverage. I'm sorry if that is selfish, and I'm sorry if I'm buying into some of those propaganda style messages but I don't want people that can't deliver my mail efficiently "dabbling" in my insurance. And even though the "fact checkers" cover some of the more contentious aspects of the different bills out there, there are plenty of bad ideas to go around. And in case you didn't get the sarcasm of the parenthesis around fact checker let me just say I'm more than a little suspicious of what passes for impartial journalism these days.

Read HR 3200 here, and see what you think.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Ruminations On Health Care

Speaking as a Libertarian I have to wonder why the Democrats and liberals would be for a system run by the government. Sure, it's controlled by their party now, but what happens when the Republicans get their hands on it? The Dems won't be in power for ever, it will happen. It shouldn't be a question of liberal versus conservative but rather one of a government you don't like or trust versus you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

White House Seeks Narcs...

Apply here.

August, The Month Of Hope And Renewal


So today in history, former President Bill Clinton rescued two American reporters from a labor camp in North Korea. Please stop the "Do you suppose he hit on them jokes". That's old fast.

Three women were killed when a loser, figuratively and literally, shot up an LA Fitness gym in Pennsylvania. The only thing he did right was turn the gun on himself.

Elsewhere, no one in particular is breathlessly waiting to hear the verdict in the Chris Brown trial. Too bad he wasn't working out at a certain LA Fitness.

Four previous Gitmo detainees started work as greenskeepers on a Bermuda golf course.

And President Obama vows to pass healthcare reform.

And I'm in a bad mood.