Friday, November 9, 2012


The election didn't really pan out as I was expecting.  Now I'm sitting here wondering how to perform my day to day functions with my head in the sand.  Turns out I'm not the only one.  Jonah Goldberg has written a pretty good op ed piece on National Review Online covering what a lot of us conservatives are feeling these days.  There are some pretty bitter op eds out too but this one kind of sums up how I feel about the whole thing.  I once felt passion and pride in the US voting process although I always knew that we were sliding to the left.  I guess the thing about Obama's second term victory is I was hoping it wouldn't have happened this fast.  I was kind of hoping I would have been dead.

So here we are heading to Europe.  I guess it's not all that bad, most Europeans I know are nice enough, I'm just not looking forward to the Greece phase.

At the end of this next four years I'm not going to be in much of a mood to say I told you so no matter how much you have it coming.