Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More Celebrity Stupidity

Queen Amadala's views on meat vs. rape.
"He posits that consideration…which has more to do with being polite to your
tablemates than sticking to your own ideals, would be absurd if applied to any
other belief (e.g., I don't believe in rape, but if that's what it takes to
please my dinner hosts, then so be it)."
Good thing she's pretty.

I could probably do a daily one of these.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

So My Peeing There Saves Flushing The Toilet

From the lips of Jennifer Anniston

"I take a three-minute shower," she told Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas
Kostigen, authors of The Green Book. She even brushes her teeth while she's in
there. "Every two minutes in the shower uses as much water as a person in Africa
uses for everything in their life for a whole day!"

So Kramer was on to something by preparing dinner in the shower. For more stupid celebrities check here...

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I was going to post a link about the press corps standing up to the White House but while searching for that link I saw something more important.


The Saddest Thing I Saw Yesterday

Lisa and I went to the movies yesterday afternoon. As we were walking to the theater I noticed a family in front of us. There was a tall gawky early teenage boy, memorable because he was doing some goofy dance to the music coming through a restaurant's outdoor sound system. There was an adorable little blond girl in a red dress with a teddy bear, skipping along in step with her brother's dance. They were both happy and smiling, and it made me happy. Maybe that's why what happened next affected me so much (don't worry the kid wasn't hit by a car or anything).

As Lisa got our tickets for Amelia (which was just okay) I was listening to the Dad ask if tickets for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in 3D was more than a regular movie. When informed it was $2.50 more, the father got out of line and after a brief discussion with the family turned around and left. As they walked off I over heard the little girl, head hung down, say ,"But I want to see a movie." Now granted there are worse things that can happen to a child, and two extra dollars for a 3d movie always makes me chaffe when I have to pay it but seriously, loosen those purse springs a little dick. If the difference in price of a 3D movie is going to break you, what were you doing bringing the family to a movie in the first place? Quick enough that I would have done it but not quick enough to catch them, I told Lisa I would have offered to pay for the kids' tickets (although that's kind of rude I suppose).

I hope the cute little girl and her cute nerd of a brother (I have a soft spot, he reminded me of me) get to see that stupid movie. And dad if you see this, quit being a cheap dick.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What Is She Thinking

Obvious answer would be $$$

I'm a big fan of Bruce Lee so as you can imagine I'm not excited about this story in the Wall Street Journal. Bruce Lee's attraction was his personality and charisma, you can keep your t-shirts and video game tie-ins.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Where Did September Go?

It's been awhile since I've been by. I haven't felt like writing much. I'm struggling with not becoming a crazed militia nut case. I find myself listening to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck more and more. I like Rush, find Glenn amusing in an odd way and can't take Sean Hannity at all because he says "specificity" way too much. I've known for years that the goal of government was to slowly work it's way into every aspect of our lives, it's not a conspiracy, it's just the way it works. They are just trying to expand their reach like every other business. Unfortunately, their business is getting into mine.

I've always taken some satisfaction in the fact that things really weren't was bad as I imagined them to be. At least there was an opposing party to slow things down. Now I just have to stop being a drama queen and sit back and learn how to love my nanny state. I'll try to lighten up and get back to the frivolous ramblings of my past. After all you should learn to enjoy the present, because the future could really suck.