Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Trivial Pursuit

I was thinking about my guest list for the perfect cocktail party. This is one of those time wasting pursuits that come up when there is nothing else going on or you have a few beers in you, or in this case both of those circumstances. In no particular order these are my guests.

I would have to have Peter Egan. He's a columnist for Cycle World magazine and Road & Track. I think of him as the Ernie Pyle of motor journalism. His stories are about riding motorcycles but are at the same time universal and some are down right touching. Plus he loves Guiness.

Next would be Brian Johnson & Angus Young. For reasons that should be obvious to anyone who knows me, I would love to get drunk with the lead singer and guitarist of AC/DC. Nothing against the rest of the band, they're all invited too but I love these two guys. Although I must confess I probably wouldn't be able to follow Angus's conversation but that's okay, I imagine we'd be too pissed to worry about it.

P.J. O'Rourke could get pissed with us. A conservative for convenience of identification but a libertarian at heart, his book Parliment of Whores started me down the path to enlightenment. His Holidays In Hell was true gonzo journalism without any of the forced posturing of Hunter S. Thompson. Well maybe a little posturing.

I would include Valentino Rossi because I'm curious if the 5 time Moto GP Champion is as cheerful and friendly as he acts. You never see the guy without a smile. He's one of the greatest racers of all time. Plus the Italian accent cracks me up.

I think Lyle Lovett would be on the list. He's one of the few musicians Lisa and I both agree on. He's kind of an enigma to me. He seems like a great guy yet he married Julia Roberts, I'd like to find out what that's about. And he rides a Ducati. I don't know if he drinks Guiness though.

Thomas Jefferson for the obvious (that whole founding father thing). We could plot the over throw of tyrannical governments (not naming any names).

And finally Cindy Crawford and Rita Hayworth because in reviewing the list I noticed the women are severly under-represented.

I'm sure I could come up with several more but this would be a good start. I don't have any particular things I would talk about. I would just hope that like all good parties everything would come naturally.

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