Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Kinder Gentler Me

I've started about four different entries over the last week and none have stuck. I'm getting into one of my annoyed at everything moods but really haven't felt the desire to inflict my sour grapes on anyone. I hit the little "Next Blog" button and came across this annoying ninny. I would love to meet someone like that in person. They must be a real pill at parties. I wonder how people can be that negative and worked up all the time? I guess that's why I haven't been into my old political rants. It takes a lot out of you when you get worked up. I can't imagine doing it every day, she must have very high blood pressure.

I had a little thing on the death penalty going. I'm oddly inconsistent on several issues and this is one. I started out with an argument against it but by the end I had myself convinced that it wasn't so bad. The libertarian in me is in constant struggle with the conservative. The conservative in me long ago cut off the liberal's heat, thus forcing him out into the cold.

The kinder gentler me has a cause to fight for. There are two abandoned black lab puppies out in the woods where we are working. I'm taking lessons from my brother, the samaritan of the four legged world. The dog in the picture is Kirby, the newest member of the Glass household. The dogs offficially have the majority vote in the house (of course they always did). So now I have the soft touch. Lisa and I have been talking about adopting one of the pups but we're pretty busy this year and might not be able to give her our full attention. We'll see though, Lisa is a bigger softy than I am. It's kind of nice to think that these two little dogs have people worried for them as far away as Denver Colorado and Columbus Ohio.

So there you have the week in review. It was a good week, it's always better when I don't get worked up.


My Boring Best said...

I know what you mean about this. Blogging has actually forced me to figure out my feelings on certain issues. It's like, if I'm going to rant about something, I'd better be prepared to stand by my viewpoint. Thus, I have to really think things out. There have been a few instances of me thinking I felt one way when I started the post, and then realizing that I didn't by the time I ended the post. ...blogging is good for you in that way.

As for the dogs, that's nice to hear. I am a huge animal lover and am always glad to hear that there are others out there who care about them.

Brian said...

Yeah, I've always been the Devil's Advocate kind of guy. I can argue any side. I think everyone has those inconsistancies though. I'm always amazed that liberals who are against the death penalty are for abortion and vice versa with conservatives. Killing someone is still killing someone, whether you are arguing that the criminal had it coming or the fetus isn't a human. That's an issue I struggle with and hope to get figured out some day.