Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Canine Underground Railroad

Well, the dog plot thickens. After trying for two days to get the Faulkner County Humane Society to even RETURN my calls, I finally found out there's no room at the inn. Animal control can't turn them away but they would have to euthanize two other dogs to make room for these pups. I don't want that. Conway Arkansas is not a good place to be a dog. So I've brought the fullest extent of my vast resources to bear on the problem. My network discovered a shelter, the only catch being I have to live in Little Rock. My network (i.e. brother) is devious so it came up with a fake address just in case. The whole thing is turning into a surreal Hogan's Heroesque episode. If two dogs' little lives weren't hanging in the balance I would be enjoying the subterfuge. To up the suspense factor we've got some crazy-ass redneck threatening to kill the dogs if they get into his chickens. I've convinced him that I'll take care of the pup's this weekend so I think he'll hold off. I can't bring them back to the hotel, no dogs allowed of course.

As ugly as all of this sounds, I'm feeling pretty good about this. If I can't get them into the shelter in Little Rock they'll be making a trip to Denver with Lisa. She's coming down to visit this weekend. Denver is a big dog town so there should be plenty of good shelters. We will not let anything bad happen to them even if we end up with two goddamned black lab pups! They are awful sweet.

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