Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sorry, I'm A Hater (Can't Be Helped)

Don't bother reading this if you are a) a fan of President Obama or b) sick of listening to me whine about President Obama. My blog as I've written before helps me release frustration and the last few days I've been feeling it. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to complain about things when I'm sure I'm unable to change anybody's mind or when it in fact doesn't accomplish a damned thing. Surely there's something more positive for me to write about. I guess I feel some kind of passion for this so for now it's fun (sorry).

The way I see Obama, he is either the worst kind of politician (the kind he railed against during the campaign) or a big naive doofus that's more like me than JFK. On the surface it seemed like he actually thought he could go in there and through sheer will of personality change Washington D.C. single-handed. That sounds like something any guy sitting around the bar would argue, the old "if I ran the country" thing. Second in popularity right after "I love you man". That's why I liken Obama to me, not because I think I could do as good a job as him but because I think he's doing as bad a job as me. As much shit as I like to talk, I know full well I don't know the first thing about running a country, and more and more it seems to me that's the case with Barrack.

Every presidential election is regarded as the "most important election" of our times. I've always been a fan of the Billy Joel song We Didn't Start The Fire. I've always thought that there wasn't anything we couldn't get through. As a result I've always voted with my convictions as a Libertarian even when people I know have gotten down right irate at me and accused me of throwing my vote away. I believe however had I known things were going to get this bad I would have voted for that crazy old guy, hindsight and all being what it is.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong and someone comes across this entry in a year and thinks I'm just a huge wanker. I'm mean obviously things will get better, it's just a matter of time. Watch the reaction of Wall Street whenever Obama or one of his economic advisers makes an announcement and I think you'll see a strong argument for less interference from the Federal Government. I think things would get better sooner if they would stay out of it. For those keeping count the tally of jobs bought with your $787,000,000.00 is 25 policemen in Columbus Ohio and 8 highway contractors in Arizona (and a few miscellaneous sign makers). That job in Arizona is over a million dollars to convert mileage signs on the interstate from Tucson to Mexico from kilometers to miles. The interstate is about 63 miles long. I heard this story this morning on NPR. It was reported cute and clever, like some kind of human interest story. It makes me kind of sick.

Well, as I predicted, I feel better. As usual I've worked through my fears and doubts via my little blog thing and I should be fine as long as I can keep from watching Lou Dobbs. It's what I had to do to help me get through the Bush years. When, by the way, is this country going to get the President we deserve? I guess as long as you guys keep voting for them we'll all keep suffering. We need a real voice of change and hope, not just another poser.

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