Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Grandfather And WW II

I just wanted to share some photos my Grandfather took during World War II. They're all pretty neat with interesting things printed on the back. They're some of the most interesting things I have in my possession. I would say own but I fill like I'm just the custodian, my Dad sent them to me for safe keeping and I think they belong to the family, although I'm keeping hold of them (sorry guys).

The Enlightened Genius

Today I had a root canal. The Vicodan is not kicking in.

I'm hoping that Obama doesn't win. Not that I want McCain either but I'm so petty I just don't want P Diddy to get his way.

I like how he gets excited that his kids will be broadcast across the nation on the internet. He would really be thrilled to hear that they'll be seen across the World. It doesn't mean as much though when you realize this girl is also seen across the world. I'm not sure P understands that the internet isn't just for the rich and famous. Jackass.

Don't feel obligated to watch the video, I could only make it through the first forty seconds.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gas Prices

Gas dropped to $2.99 at the station across the street yesterday. It's the first time since we've lived here that I remember it being below $3.00 although Lisa said it dropped one day and than shot back up the next.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Taum Sauk State Park

Lisa and I found our way to the highest point in Missouri yesterday. It's on a mountain called Taum Sauk, pronounced Tom Sock (kind of). It's about an hour and a half from St Charles. It's part of the St Francois mountains which are pretty and remote. We had a great ride down except for the fact that we were both feeling under the weather. Speaking of weather, it was a perfect fall day. When we started out in the morning there was a brisk chill in the air. Even after we arrived at the state park at 11:30 or so it was still nice and cool which made the hike down to Mina Sauk Falls a pretty pleasant walk.

The waterfall is what is known as a wet weather falls (I think, that's the term). It only really flows during rainy weather. It was a slight trickle when we got there but the scenery was pretty, well, scenic. We were deep in a valley in the St Francois mountains. After being to Colorado and through the Sierra Nevada mountains these looked more like big hills, but pretty none the less. It also felt pretty secluded. We had lunch, took some photos and started the hike back, which was mostly uphill. The drive back was just as enjoyable as the one down and we even scored some cheap gas, $3.29 compared to the $3.38 it was going for around St Charles at the time. All in all another good day for the Glass/Miller clan, except Moon, she didn't get to go and was fed late.