Saturday, March 21, 2009

Facebook And The Problem With Addiction

Moon, our dog, and I are sitting here a little bored on a Saturday night. Lisa (my wife) is in Missouri visiting her niece and nephew. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to watch a week old rerun of Dancing With The Stars. I'm tired of Facebook. I think Facebook is a ridiculous time waster and I complained for a long time that I don't get the point of it. I actually had a Facebook account for maybe a year before my friends and family started using it. I'm not bragging. I didn't do anything with it all that time, I actually forget why I had it to begin with. As soon as everyone else got on I slowly started being drawn to the dark side. Now I jump on there to check people's status every time I pass the computer. The bad part is, I still think it's stupid and haven't really found a good use for it. It does make a casual conversation with friends easier and an old friend from the Air Force days tracked me down a few days ago, which is neat. Generally I get on there and act kind of creepy. I have no idea why it has that affect on me. I'm quite the immature ass really. I get the feeling that if anything it's actually turning friends and family against me. I'm going to attempt to cool it a little. I noticed that I'm really the only guy I know that's on there so much so that's a little embarassing as well. I feel like a chick. A big bald, hairy-backed, creepy immature chick. Not a good place to be.


Anonymous said...

I am more addicted then you. I have found most of the girls I went to summer camp with when I was between the ages of 8-14. I love FB.

You are making me self consious though...are you counting my wine?

Ha...just kidding.

Brian said...

No, I'm not. I feel bad. I didn't mean to pick on you. You don't mention the wine as much as your sister mentions eating in her status updates. Ha, don't tell her I said that. I don't want to hurt her feelings either.

Anonymous said... feelings weren't really hurt. Just had a bad week last week...I think I did drink a lot of wine.