Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Second Favorite Holiday

While Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday I think I'm becoming pretty fond of St Patricks Day. As you may have noticed I even made up a special banner for the blog in celebration. While it's basically one of those beer company holidays like Cinco De Mayo it's been around long enough to earn my respect. Like Cinco De Mayo I think it's one of those holidays we celebrate more here than in the country of origin. While I'm not particularly fond of Cinco De Mayo I think March is the perfect month for a party based around beer. Maybe it's the timing or maybe it's the fact that I like Smithwick's and Guinness better than Corona and Tecate (ick). Whatever the reason, I've been blessed by the fact that my new favorite restaurant, Old Chicago, is having a "mini-tour" of Irish beers. All I have to do to get a St Paddy's day t-shirt is drink 8 Irish beers. I can do that standing on my head (literally, I did that once in the Air Force, I don't recommend it).

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