Thursday, March 26, 2009

March Blizzard

Photo courtesy of
Today has been interesting. It started to snow at one o'clock and hasn't stopped yet. It's 9:15 right now. The drive home was fun. The speed limit on Powers Blvd is 50. I did 20 to 30 mph all the way home. There are a few steep hills and on the one between S Carefree Dr and N Carefree Dr had about five cars stuck halfway up. Tires spinning they sat there askew as traffic wove through them. I drove Lisa's truck because the forecast was calling for the storm andI'm glad I did. It made getting home a lot easier.

Of course when i got home I had to sleep for a couple of hours due to the migraine I had all day. It subsided long enough for me to get up, watch American Idol, The Office and 30 Rock and type this. Now it's time for bed, by the looks of it, I'm going to have to get up early for the drive into work.

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