Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saying Goodbye To March

I thought I would recap the month of March 2009 since we'll never see it again, although it will live on in history.  Lisa and I enjoyed many sites in and around our new home.  Yesterday we went hiking at the open space at Red Rock Canyon on the west side of town.  Open spaces are what most states call parks.  It was snowing early in the morning on our side of the city (northeast).  Lisa wanted to hike in the snow but by the time we got to the southwest side of town there wasn't any snow to be seen.  It was still a good time.  I tried to hone my photography skills but have a long way to go.  The area was pretty interesting.  It used to be an old Quarry so there were some unique rock formations.  After the hike we went to Old Chicago for a few beers and appetizers during happy hour.  We like to do that whenever we have a little extra cash.

On Friday, March 27th I had a snow day due to a brief blizzard.  I say brief because here in Colorado it snows like crazy for a day and is melted off by the following afternoon.  Lee and I spent 2 hours of the snow day at Target scanning old photos.  I like to post them on Geni (as I've mentioned before).  It's always a little bittersweet looking at old photos.  I love this one of Bryce, Brent and me at Dillion Lake.  It was taken in 1975 and believe it or not I still remember that day pretty vividly.  It was a great day, fishing with our Dad.

Lisa gave me a scare on the 15th.  She had been complaining of shortness of breath and chest pains for a few days but didn't want to go to the doctors. Finally at around 9 o'clock on Sunday evening she was feeling so bad that I didn't have any argument from her and I took her to the ER.  It was a little scary at first, the nurse and technician were joking with Lisa at first.  She's always making jokes with people in these situations.  Then as they ran tests everyone started acting a little dodgy.  Finally after a few x-rays and an EKG the doctor told us it was only a chest infection of some kind.  We then drove around town to find a 24 hour Walgreen (found it on the corner of Dublin Blvd and Union Blvd) and a Taco Bell at 1:30 a.m.

We also took a drive down Phantom Canyon Road between Victor and Canon City, Colorado.  That was a fun ride but one that wears you out.  Victor was also the scariest dump of a town I've ever been through, and I've been through rural Arkansas.

We also saw I Love You Man and Watchmen in the theaters.  We both agreed that I Love You Man was very good and the Watchmen was okay.

Overall it was a personally good month for me.  Unfortunately the same can't be said for the country.  As much as I would like to keep politics out of the blog, I feel like I have to include a little in just for historic purposes.  The President continues to run up our debt in some kind of spending frenzy the likes of which I've never seen.  He forced a private citizen to quit his job (the CEO of GM) and Congress has been running the equivalent of the McCarthy hearings, making corporations the scapegoat and excuse to broaden federal powers.  I thought the Patriot Act was bad.  Clinton accused the U.S. for being the cause of the drug wars raging in Mexico.  She seems to forget which country she works for.  Couldn't have anything to do with the rampant corruption of the local Mexican governments.  Everyday there's something in the news that turns me a little more bitter. 

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