Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lisa's Trip To The ER

Isn't she cute?
Lisa and I were at the Emergency Room last night until one in the morning. For the last few days Lisa has been have brief bouts of shortness of breath. I finally convinced the stubborn Taurus to let me take her to the ER. I know it must be bad when she is to the point where she agrees. Last night she was just too weak to argue. We got there around nine, the doctors ran some tests and found out she has a case of Costochondritis. Man was I relieved. Her heart looked fine and there were no blood clots, two outcomes of the symptoms she was suffering from.

Today I stayed home to take care of her and she has behaved and slept most of the day. She's doing better I'm happy to say. She should be as good as new in a few days.

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