Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Going Out On A Limb

I'm going to start mocking the hurricane season now and get it over with early. I could end up looking like a fool. Possibly not.

NOAA Warns of Possibility of Worst Hurricane Season Ever

Monday, May 10, 2010

Frank Frazetta

It's late and I'm tired. I wish I had time to write a more fitting entry. I just learned that Frank Frazetta passed away today. He was one of my heroes as a geeky loner in middle school and high school. I spent a lot of time recreating is muscle bound barbarians and fur clad damsels. He had an amazing life. He suffered a stroke in his seventies and taught himself how to paint with his left hand when his right became all but useless due to the stroke.

I didn't know him but I think he probably would have judged his life good. Thanks for helping this nerd (and millions more) out.

This Day In History

Well, last Sunday actually.

In one of the many commencement speeches he's given (where does he find time to ruin the country) Barack Hussein Obama declares he cannot operate an iPod. Of course all of his critics jump him for it and I'm no different. Who does this imbecile think he's fooling? Aren't you fence straddlers tired of being preached to. I know it's another small thing to gripe about but to me it's just one more indication of his lack of sincerity. It is enormously condescending. Don't trust technology. Get your information from trusted sources. "I may only be a caveman, just recently thawed from a block of ice, your mechanical iron bird is a mystery to me but you can trust me." Right on Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Best Part Of My Job

The thing I like about working in an airport has got to be watching a little toddler run down the exit isle toward his or her grandparents, arms outstretched with grandma's big smile or a family holding signs and balloons for their GI Dad or Mom coming home and the excitement when they see him or her come around the corner. There's usually some crying involved (not me, yet anyway).

May Cause Emotional Distress

I've started taking some kind of medicine for the migraines I've been having since about January. The neurologist gave me a run down of the side effects. They were:
  1. weight loss (right on)
  2. tingling in the finger tips and toes (eh. no biggy)
  3. slight mental confusion (again, no biggy as I live with that daily)
  4. and carbonated beverages will taste bad.
Screech. Hold on a minute. Mountain Dew and Boddingtons now taste flat and crappy. I'll be on the medicine for about another month or so. No wonder there's weight loss.
