Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quite Night

I'm hanging out with the dog tonight. Lisa is at her water aerobics class. It's pretty enjoyable.

Lisa getting ready for the hike

The past weekend was a pretty good one. I should say my weekend, Monday and Tuesday. Lisa and I went to Rampart Reservoir up by Woodland Park. We did a little "hiking" and drove around the roads on top of the mountains. We ended up taking Rampart Range Road which was one of those job corp jobs from the 1930's. It's funny how many roads there are built across the tops of mountains in the US, all put there during the depression. The scenery was inspiring and relaxing.

Tuesday we went to the movies. We haven't been in awhile. We saw The Reader which was not what I expected and was actually pretty good. I'm still not going to see that damned Slum Dog Millionaire though. I refuse.

Tuesday night I grilled a steak and veggie burger for Lisa and we pounded back a few Guinness's. Not a bad way to end the weekend.

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