Thursday, December 29, 2005

Just A Brief Observation

As Lisa and I were walking around downtown Denver the day after Thanksgiving, there was a group of smelly, hippies walking down the street towards us. They were dressed up as zombies (although with smelly hippies you're never quite sure), shuffling down the 16th Street Mall. As they approached I saw some with t-shirts about consummerism and deduced that they were actually protesting the crass commercialism of Christmas shopping. Right after my first thought of, "Huge waste of time", I was curious as to why, with a war going on they decided to dress up and travel en masse to walk around bugging little old ladies and harried fathers with children in tow all over the evils of buying presents for loved ones. I assumed since bathing wasn't taking up any of their time they were just bored. Lisa and I had a good laugh, I remember giving her the old stage whisper and her agreeing that it was a huge waste of time. We moved on down the street and gave one last glance as we went into Virgin Records.

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