Sunday, July 24, 2005

Links To Explore

Here are some interesting things I've found in a fit of boredom.

Did you know Ohio wasn't officially a state until 1953. Check here for the admittedly limited details. This is a good site if you're feeling in a Billy Joel-"We Didn't Start The Fire"-we just over-reacted to it-kind of mood. I like to scroll down and see how many threats there have been to national security that didn't require the Patriot Act. A lot less than you'd think, surprisingly.

To go along with the above theme this one is a little chilling.

There is an interesting site dedicated to a British comic book published in the early seventies called Action. The back story is intriguing. Also check out the Dredger page and dig the groovy example strip. A lot of the story sounds like it could come from the U.S. today. Just insert video game where comic book goes. This is one of the better arguments for the intelligence of children I've seen. I've always believed that if you have parents that are even half way interested, children are smart enough to seperate fantasy from reality. Read here for a good argument.

The older I get the more conservative my views become but I will never believe it's the government's place to protect us from ourselves.

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