Sunday, July 17, 2005

A Day In The Life

I've worked for an environmental remediation company Shaw E&I for the past eight years now and as my family and friends are well aware I am on the road about 300 days of the year. I enjoy it and sometimes am surprised when people ask how I do it. If I stop to think about it, it is a little crazy I guess. On my brother and sister-in-law's wedding program they listed where everyone in the party lived, I was labeled aimless drifter. Sometimes I wonder what might have been if I hadn't joined the Air Force and stayed in Zanesville at the plant. I imagine I would have been happier or sadder or whatever. I really believe what ifs don't amount to a hill of beans, actually a hill of beans is probably worth more in a hard cash kind of way. I regret not being around my family more but somehow we are so close that even though I see them only a few times a year it's not like any time has passed. Dad has a few more wrinkles but he's still working in the garage just like my childhood memories recall. There have been deaths in the family, I still miss my grandmother every day and regret the circumstances around Uncle Eddie's death. My Aunt Peg went out braver than I know I will. Still for the regrets my job causes, the benefits more than even things out on the Karma scales. Number one of course is that my job is directly responsible for my finding Lisa. My boss, Tim bugged the both of us to go out until we just gave up and did it. Surrendering never worked out so well. Than of course there is the travel. I recently had to update my resume and it required me to list all of the projects I've been on since I've been with Shaw. Right. Let's just say I covered most of the big ones. I actually flew from Ohio to Crows Landing in California once for a half a day's work. I remember doing it but don't ask me what day, month or even what year it was. I'm in Crows Landing again and aside from the heat and distance from anything interesting it's great.

The picture is an aerial photo taken in 1998. The history of the place is pretty interesting too. It's a good example of the benefits of the job if you're into that type of thing, the history that is. I was on Wake Island for over a year but that's another post...


Bryce said...

Careful, bri - my emotional mush is starting to infect you. :-)

Just kidding -- keep the posts coming. This is better than talking with you.


Brian said...

Better than talking to me? How can that be?