Thursday, July 23, 2009

Would Someone Get This Man A Gag

It's been a while since I've brought up our esteemed President but he's really opened his mouth so big this time I can't resist.

You all know the story and I'm too lazy to recap so if you want to catch up you can go here. I just want to say that it's not a good idea for a President make comments on local issues that he admittedly knows nothing about. Especially when the comment stirs racial divide. It's not whether the police officer was wrong or right but a case of the leader of the United States and it's people (all of it's people) showing that leadership instead of spreading resentment and hate. At the very least he should have excused himself from commenting until he learned the facts. And the joke about his getting shot while trying to enter the White House was in the worst possible taste.

If this shows anything (to me) it's at the very least, he is not experienced enough to lead. At the worst he's no better than his old pastor Reverend Wright. Of course I'm predisposed of that opinion anyway given that I think he's the worst president we've had in my life time, and I remember Nixon.


Brent said...

good thing our previous President never made any goofs such as this. :)

Brian said...

I can't remember anything he ever said to US citizens. Although that's not a defense of Bush. You know how I feel about all Republicans and Democrats, so stop trying to bait me. Obama sucks and deep down inside you know you know it but can't bring yourself to admit it yet.