Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Pathetic Confession

I have a tendency to jump to a judgement before I have all the facts.  It's something I'm not proud of and I try to watch myself.  I have to confess that I've always hated Miley Cyrus.  I guess I've pre-judged her based on my old hatred of her father from back in the day, Achy Breaky, ick.  I also can't help but see the gossip stories on my Yahoo homepage.  I'm a little ashamed to be a 44 year old man that actually hates a 16 year old child.  So I thought I would give her the benefit of the doubt.  Having never actually seen her perform I had to give her a shot on American Idol tonight.  I have to say I'm really glad I did.  Now I can say with an open mind that she's a shitty singer too.


Brent said...

I see you have been hanging out with Jamie Foxx.

Brian said...

That's funny, I can't remember if I wrote this before or after that happened but it's just one more thing to be ashamed of.