Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Little More About Me

Every once in awhile I get an itch to write a little something about myself. I'm sure friends and family know most of this stuff.
  1. I own several guns. I believe in the the Second Amendment. I don't know how it applies today but I know what I believe the founding fathers intended when they made it the very second amendment right behind freedom of speech (which, I'm also a big fan of). People who know me casually or only know me from the past few years might be surprised to know that I own guns. I don't advertise it because I hate the ridiculous stigma and automatic judgement on a person's face when he or she finds out I own handguns. I don't care what he/she thinks but a person usually feels compelled to give me an opinion of how I'm wrong and I just don't have all day to explain how stupid he or she is.
  2. I am against abortion. It's right about this time people will start thinking that I'm some crazy, religious, gun toting red-neck from southeastern Ohio. But let me throw this curve at you...
  3. I'm against the death penalty! Doesn't that make sense? Taking a life is taking a life, right? Of course I'm not against taking a life in self-defense (see number 1). I believe that as great as our justice system is, it's still not perfect. I think it's probably too easy to decide to take an innocent life in both the case of abortion and the death sentence.
  4. I am not religious. I do not hate people who are. I do hate it when people make a big deal over it one way or the other. Live and let live baby.
  5. I don't agree with all of Bob Barr's platform but until I can run for President myself, I'll go with the Libertarians every time. I sometimes question my own sanity though. I wonder how so many people can't see the logic of less government. Then I think, hmmm maybe it's me that's wrong. But then I come to my senses. I don't want the federal government screwing up my life, I can handle that fine by myself.
So there are a few things you've probably heard me go on about a hundred times.

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