Saturday, January 3, 2009

My New Improved Green Blog

I'm sad and a little ashamed to say that my blog isn't very popular. I don't have exact numbers but it isn't pretty. So in an effort to gain readership and win over popular support I've decided to "GO GREEN!!!" Now what exactly will that entail you ask? Good question I answer. For starters I use 80% recycled materials (including my stories and jokes). What I'm trying to do is create a paradigm shift, one with the goal of perserving green for the children. Green is not just a way of life, it's a life style. Once you go green you never go back. I've started the Green Initiative in the hopes of saving green, going green and getting green. UPS asks "What can brown do for you?" To which I reply "What is it that green can't not do for you?"

It turns out I should have copywrited my Green Initiative. Nuts! At least I'm not this woman and her partner.

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