Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Goodbye

As my time here in St Charles is drawing to a close I'm really not getting too sentimental. The InTown Suites is on the other side of town from our house so I haven't been in the old neighbor. I decided to run by the Quik Trip for some gas (and a blue Mountain Dew). Since the QT is right around the corner from the old homestead I did a quick drive by. Very briefly I was hit with a sense of nostalgia, or maybe nostalgia implies something long past. Obviously everything has happened in the last seven months here and I've lived in hotels longer than that. Whatever the case, I had a flash of the times Lisa and I walked Moon around the neighborhood, that's probably the memory that will stay with me over time even as the details begin to fade.

I also went to my favorite place in town, Mark Twain Hobby Center. I wanted to load up on a few hard to find kits and this is the place to go. I talked to the owner briefly and told him how much I was going to miss his store. I wouldn't say I was getting sentimental over the place but model building isn't the hobby it once was, so it's hard to find a good local hobby store. And as I mentioned in a past post it was right around the corner from the house. I'll have a busy week coming up so it was nice to say so long one final time (I promise, no more posts on how I'll miss the place).
Mark Twain Hobby Center on W Clay St, St Charles, MO

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