Friday, January 9, 2009

My Day In Boredom

I finally got a day off today. My schedule was changed this week and it worked out so I had to work eight days straight. I figured I would be fine but was surprised when on about the sixth or seventh day I didn't want to get out of bed and I started to loose things (and I'm not sure if it's related but I was getting a little dizzy). So to celebrate my time off, I'm sitting around with nothing to do, which by the way is AWESOME! I can't remember the last time I could just sit at the computer and visit all the stupid links and weird sites. And as you can see I played around with a graphic for LBGTMSF. It doesn't really reflect the nature of the site but it was the only thing I had set up close to what would fit on the banner. You would have thought having a computer guru brother, I would have picked up a few things. Same goes for basketball. Nada. The new picture is a screenshot from Gran Turismo 4 and is only temporary. I hope to have something more appropriate sometime, although given the number of times I have absolutely nothing to do it may be a while.

And as always, I'm eco-friendly.

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