Monday, December 18, 2006


Today was an incredibly beautiful day for the 12th day of December. According to my Dashboard Accuweather widget it was 75 degrees today! It's actually been like that for the last week and a half. I feel a little guilty saying it but I'm enjoying the global warming. I've been driving around enthralled by the feeling of youthfulness. I've been experiencing that phenomenom I refer to as first day of springitis. It's been raised to a a new level though. I've been in a state of heightened euphoria lately. I think part of it can be attributed to a sharp upturn in my understanding of mutual funds and my 401k. I've followed these things on and off for as long as I've had them but until lately I've been taking a hands off approach. A few things have happened in the last few months to change all that. It seems the hands off thing has worked and I've now got enough in the 401k to attract my attention. I've been talking to a co-worker who is pretty knowledgeable and what he's said has clicked and my knowledge elevated by one step. I still don't really know what I'm doing but I'm much more effective at it. So it's good to know that while I won't be retiring any time soon, when I do retire I won't be eating catfood cursing the bankrupt social security fund. I will probably be knee deep in melted glacial water as global warming really heats up.

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