Friday, November 18, 2005

Iraqi Soldier

Iraqi Soldier
Iraqi Soldier,
originally uploaded by nukeit1.
Contrast this with the two too serious little girls and their suffering mom. What is the disconnect in this country. I don't want to be a clichéd blogger but is it the main stream media. I realize that people see what they want so I try to believe the media is fair. But do they cover everything equally?

This is from an interview of the Iraqi foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, from the June 20th, 2005 issue of the National Review.

Interviewer: I recall Kofi Annan said the Iraq war was illegal.

Hoshyar Zebari: For us it was the most legitmate of wars. To have suffered the atrocities of Saddam over those years, and the indifference of the international community, including the U.N....It was the war that eased the suffering of the Iraqis.

NR: Do you fear for your own life?

HZ: I take all the security precautions. All of us assume that we are targets for assassination, car bombs, anything....We have uncovered three car bombs, which were either minutes away or seconds away from blowing us up.

That's one brave s.o.b. working to make his country a better place. The rest of the interview is just as good. If you get a chance you should read it and the article on the World Economic Forum held in Jordan.

Do I think Bush's plan of spreading democracy through the world one country at a time will work. I don't know but I think doing something, anything at all, is better than the status quo, in this one case anyway. Do I think Bush manipulated intelligence about WMDs. No, but I've been naivé before and will be again.

The picture comes from nukeit1's photoblog by the way. I like to check it out frequently. There are funny, informative and really sad photos there. You should check that out also.

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