Friday, February 27, 2009

More Kvetching

I try to stay away from the bitching as much as possible lately but what's the point of having a blog if you can't vent once in awhile? My beef today? Pretty much the same as it was in the last entry. It boils down to "minding your own plate" as my Mom used to say. Everyone is so focused on what executives make and how badly the American car companies didn't focus on fuel efficient cars. We were the ones borrowing against the equity of places that weren't worth a damn to begin with and we were the ones demanding V-8 engines in our 6000 lbs Cadillac Escalades (I'm still a fan of V-8s by the way). The unions are going to cut off their nose to spite their members jobs. They were giving us what we wanted. Did they run our credit cards up? Granted they didn't make it hard but it's not their job to save us from ourselves.

Every day now I see the Prez threatening the wealthy and the corporations with accountability. Where's our accountability? Like I've said before, I'm sure this whole fiasco is more complicated than I understand but whatever happened to saving for a rainy day? It seems to me that people that make $200,000 a year (Obama's wealthy) have something going on and probably deserve what they make. I mean assembly line workers in some GM plants make $80,000. That's a pretty decent living in my opinion. Maybe our elected officials should quit worrying about his or her voter base and give everyone a tax cut. I would love it if all of Obama's plans work out but if you ask me he sounds as naive as I am when it comes to this stuff. He's playing the stalling game. The economy will eventually turn itself around, he's just hoping that it will be while he's in power so he gets he credit, that's how power and history work.

I'm starting to get worked up now. I guess the venting didn't help the frustration. Next time I'll write about my favorite bands.

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