Monday, February 23, 2009

Living The Dream

I've got a friend from the old days with Shaw who has just self published his own graphic novel. It's very exciting and interesting to see. I was there for, not exactly the beginning, more like the middle somewhere. While we were working in Virginia he would let me read his rough drafts, I even caught a few typos.

He's a good guy and one of the few people I know that's had (what some people would call) a crazy dream and seen it through. He called me a few days ago to fill me in on his trip to some comic convention in New York City and all the adventures that ensued. He's footing the costs for publishing and paying the artist out of his own pocket so far but he's hoping to find some one to distribute it for him. He's only half-assed looking really. He 's having so much fun he plan's on publishing one issue a year whether he finds a distributor or not. I think that's pretty cool.

As for the book, it's a pretty funny book about science gone mad. There are some things going on at a deeper level that I'm only aware of because he explained it to me as he was writing it. I never grasp the deeper stuff generally speaking. All in all it's a pretty good read, the art doesn't match what my tastes usually are (Neal Adams, Michael Golden and John Byrne) but it fits the book well and it's growing on me. The book is definitely better with the art as opposed to the manuscript.

I got my copy today and I have to admit I was a little giddy and a little envious. I'm glad Josh got it done and is living the dream. And he gets to reap the rewards of success, he's had his first copywrite infringement as I just downloaded the cover from his Myspace page without his permission - suck it Mr. Bigshot

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