Friday, February 20, 2009

Grand Torino

I used to like doing little reviews but I realized that my opinion doesn't matter to anyone but me so I prefer to think of this as a discussion of one of the best movies of the past year, Gran Torino. I realized, while hanging out in my favorite thinking room (otherwise known as the can), I was still contemplating the meaning and implications of the movie. So I wanted to get it out of my head (the voices were driving me crazy). Since this is a discussion and not a review, there will be spoilers. I'll make note of them when they come up.

Let's start off by assuming you've heard of Clint effing Eastwood. I defy someone to claim they haven't at least seen one of his gruff, cranky white man roles. So the main conceit of the movie is the viewer's knowledge of Clint the actor. With very few exceptions I hate it when I am consciously aware of the actor and not the role. Tom Hanks is one of those big actors that I usually never think of as "Tom Hanks in...". Clint Eastwood is usually Clint Eastwood, or at least what our expectations tell us he is. I'm okay with that, no one else can pull it off, for me anyway. This movie is about Gunny Hightower if he had gotten out of the Marines after Korea and went to work for Ford. The suspense and tension of the end of the movie almost relies on your foreknowledge of Clint's vast catalog of performances, his history of ass-kickery if you will.

The anti-PC name calling seems inflammatory at first but turns into a more complex and honest depiction of the real racism in the US than anything I've ever seen, including the over-hyped Crash (which was still decent). As the movie progresses you realize that the name calling and sterotyping are taken for granted with no thought of the consequences. It's at once very movie like but something else is going on underneath.

The relationship between Walt Kowalski and the young H'mong boy next door Thao Vang Lor is akin to the one between Clint and Hillary Swank in Million Dollar Baby. Clint is the ultimate life coach. The relationship and it's outcome are gratifying.

I know this is coming a few months late but I've noticed Gran Torino still playing in a lot of theaters. I would recommend seeing it, especially since rumor has it that this is Clint's last starring role. Plus it's got a big bad-ass Ford in it.

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