Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rhymes with Devil's Brew

It started when I was 17. I began doing it because a girl I had a crush on at the time loved it. This combined with an increase in it's availability made it easy for my to get my hands on. It was harmless enough at first but insidious. It got hold of me without my noticing. A small dose once a day, slowly became three or four times a day until I realized I can't start my day without it. It's bad for me and I know it but don't care, it rots my teeth and gives me heart palpitations. The withdrawals are painful and once off it just the memory of it makes my mouth water and a month later I'm back. I think the peak came yesterday when I did it at work and went from angry to giddy in an instant. I was literally blabbering like I was drunk.

Heed my cautionary tale of woe and DON'T DO THE DEW!

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