Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bush Caught Cursing!!!

I'm enjoying the current wave of self-righteous indignation sweeping the country's news outlets. Bush got caught in a candid conversation with Tony Blair, apparently unaware of an open mike. By the reaction of most news organizations you would think this is the first time anyone has ever uttered the word shit before. It seems like most have also conveniently forgotten that it was a private conversation, inadvertently overheard. The morning DJs in Little Rock were outraged that the man responsible for their persecution at the hands of the FCC is cussing on t.v. The nerve of the hypocrite! And I could understand if it were just two small time syndicated DJs but I saw the same accusation from a reporter on CNN. He sounded snide and a little whiny. The funny thing to me is that when I first saw this story I was frozen with terror, my heart beating and thinking to myself, "Please don't say anything to embarrass us." I guess the big hoopla over the salty language is due to the lack of anything he actually said being controversial. If anything, it made him seem like something his speeches don't, a rational leader. There's a part of me that thinks it was set up by Blair and Bush for a little image boost.

What irritates me is that in the same day it was reported that a bill on stem cell research may be Bush's first use of the veto! My God! He's in his second term. He's NEVER vetoed a bill? Reagan vetoed 39 bills in his first term which is from what I understand below average (or was). Even Bill Clinton nixed a bill once, I think. So here we are again, focusing on what doesn't amount to shit while we have a president running around under the false pretense of being a Republican. I guess we all know he's actually for big government so that's not news.

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