Saturday, June 24, 2006

But Is It Art

I'm trying to learn how to use my Nikon D70. I've had it for a year and I'm still using it in point and shoot mode. I love photography. I love looking at pictures, taking pictures and reading about taking pictures. I just wish I was better at taking photos. I thought I was doing okay until my brother turned me on to It's a great photo site and community for sharing interests. I enjoy sharing motorcycle photos with people that have the same passion for bikes and travel as I have. There for awhile though, I started getting absorbed in the push to get my picture views up. I joined a couple of the "rate my photo" groups. My brother said it best when he noted that nothing sucks the fun out of something like having a know-it-all point out that your picture titled Sunset doesn't show the sun setting. Nevermind that it was taken at sunset. It took me about five minutes to quit all those groups and erase the comments. Life's been happier for the most part. There is however a recent thread in one of the discussion groups that got my ire up. In the Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Photography group one fellow thought that there was a lot of potential but far too much garbage there. He was one of those people that has become so prevelant since the advent of the world wide web. You know the type. He just wants to have a rational discussion, it's just his humble opinion. This guy was a little more civil than most but still had that smug attitude that drives me crazy. I try to stay out of these "debates" but made the mistake of getting sucked into this one. I found myself defending some of the pictures this guy was criticizing. He of course took this to mean that my feelings were personally hurt. The bad part is the guy came in, stirred up grief and left, and it was all for naught. I don't even think he was a regular member of the group.

I don't want it to sound like I can't take constructive criticism, I've learned quite a bit and it's usually from the people that are polite. I've actually been reading the owner's manual for my camera today and experimented a little with settings other than the auto features. The instructions are a little similar to the shuttle owner's manual. I want to get some experience under my belt in preparation for our honeymoon to England next year. Even if I don't improve I'm sure my pictures from England will make Lisa and me happy. The problem right now is that I think I actually took better pictures with my cheap 5 year old Kodak DC290. I'm not sure why, maybe I'm depending on the camera to do it all now. The picture above is an example from the old Kodak. I really like this one. Hope I can get that good with my expensive new D-SLR.


Bryce said...

Nice photo, but the footprints in the sand meander a bit. Next time, try to have her walk in a straight line.

Brian said...

I guess I should be thankful you haven't put a note with your idea of where the crop should be.

My Boring Best said...


I've been taking pictures for years. I'm not great, but I'm happy with what I can do.

I've been on flickr for over a year and absolutely love it. In fact, I'm organizing the first get together of Northeast Ohio photographers on flickr on August 11th. (I do hope you show; you're a flickr guy and a blog guy!)

And so, when I say I loathe some of the people's comments on flickr, I say it with some experience. 99% of the comments are really great and friendly. I have to say that nearly all of the people there have good intentions.

That said, there are people that don't get the spirit of it all. That's why the link in your post was hilarious. It perfectly summed it all up. I loved it.

And groups really are a worthwhile thing to join. They really do get your stuff out there and increase your views. However, I would definitely stay away from those "judging" groups. I'm all for good solid criticism, but they get too far off base, far too quickly.

Other non-judging type groups can really make you feel good and inspire you. Take for instance (commercial coming here) my group; "The Northeast Ohio Photographer's Showcase." I try to encourage people to post their best stuff with no limit. I just want people to feel good about showing their stuff. Please join it! I could use a few good motorcycle shots there, dammit!

Anyway, keep shooting. Your stuff is good and will only keep getting better. I find that Photoshop saves my butt all the time. It can take a truly crummy shot and make it stunning. And it's not cheating - it's just a tool and I love it! Give it a try if you haven't.

Anyway, hope to see you and your lady at the event on August 11th!


Brian said...

Hey Jim, thanks for the response. I'd love to make it up there in August if we're in Ohio. I joined the group and have been following the threads. I'll definitely keep track and try to get to one of the meetings. I think it would be a blast.