Monday, June 15, 2009

Jesus Christ, Someone Get Me A Phone

I was listening to "The Jesus Christ Show" on the radio yesterday morning. It's a show that has a guy pretending to be Jesus Christ taking callers questions on spiritual matters. My first reaction was to laugh and think to myself this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, it also seemed kind of blasphemous. I'm obviously not religious so I personally wasn't offended but I wondered what the old school Christians would think about this. Which got me to thinking that if they had "The Muhammad Show" we would get riots that make Iran's election results look like a weenie roast. Probably not in the US, we seem to be pretty good about that tolerance thing here (opposing critics' comments aside).

My second reaction was, what kind of crazy person would call in and act like they're talking to Jesus? Is it all taken tongue in cheek? Do people assume they are talking to the holy spirit through the vessel of a mortal? It's all a little creepy to me, so of course I was overcome by a morbid curiosity. The first caller was a young girl whose mother was in federal prison for fraud. She was taking care of her grandparents and was terribly upset that they would pass away before they could see the mother again. The poor girl was so sad it hurt. "Jesus" gave her some Dr Laura, Dr Phil type advice and all I can say is I hope it helped. The whole thing made me sad and took away all the fun I imagined for myself mocking it. I still don't know how I feel about getting important advice from someone pretending to be a deity but if it's the only place that poor girl and people like her can turn to for a little comfort I guess that's okay. It's still really fucking weird though.

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