Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just An Observation

I just happened to catch this coincidence the other day. Two movie posters based on Richard Matheson books. More than just a passing similarity. Two very good movies by the way. And since we're on the subject, I found the differences in the I am Legend book cover and the movie poster interesting. Why remove the dog and the M-16? The book is much more violent than the movie. What's with the political correctness? I have one quick little review. The dog in the movie is great and Will Smith is great, he sure can act.


Anonymous said...

Yeah — Will Smith and Mark Wahlberg have done some real damage to my early impressions of them. I gotta hand it to them both...

Brian said...

I know. There are a few scenes in this action movie that nearly made me cry, and the credit goes to Big Willy.