Friday, January 29, 2010

Sad State

Has there ever been a more contentious President? What he means when he says, "I didn't explain it clear enough," is really, "Why won't you rubes get it,".

There have been about 378 articles and op-ed pieces refuting almost every claim he made last night. Some of the weren't even conservatives. And I've never seen a President attack the other branches with such passion and lack of decorum. Judge Alito should have just yelled out, "You lie!"

It's possible he's just that ignorant. Wasn't he a Constitutional lawyer? Did he major in it so he knew how to subvert it? He doesn't seem to know the difference between it and the Declaration of Independence.

All I can think when I hear him talk is "Douche Bag". Sorry I know that's contentious.

Here are a fact check links to the State of the Union address. Most are conservative. The liberal opposition to the President is coming from people who don't think he's going far enough and I don't have time to look at that stuff.

"Haven't We Heard This Before" - Fred Barnes on Weekly
"What Did The State Of The Union Say About Barack Obama?" - Toby Harden on The
"Obama's Sorry State Of The Union Speech" - Kevin McCullough on
"White House Defends Obama's Court Ruling Criticism" - Reuters

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