Friday, December 18, 2009

Who Knew?

Maybe there is some truth to Liberal claims that we're all a bunch of redneck white supremists. I was sitting around thinking how I might change my Facebook or Twitter avatar to the "Don't Tread On Me" flag. I did a quick Google search and turned up the image. Turns out it's called the Gadsen flag. I just vaguely remember that it along with "Live Free or Die" were two of my favorite slogans from history class and the Revolution. The history of it is here...

Then I stumbled upon this article, which leads me to believe that maybe using it as an avatar wouldn't be a great idea. But I've never been accused of being a great thinker. I imagine militia members work up quite a thirst running around the woods of North Carolina or Idaho training with their "machine guns". I bet they drink beer. I drink beer. Nuts.


Brent said...

Can you give a quick synopsis for those of us to lazy to read the actual articles?

Brian said...

Just as soon as I actually read them.