Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Now We've Got Ourselves A Presidential Race

I just got up to Good Morning America and a segment on Hillary, Obama and what someone has called the "Tanya Harding option". It seems that people are saying with Hillary falling behind she's going for the jugular (or knee as it were). They showed a few clips of Hillary going on about not being able to pick family (a reference to Bill? although I guess she did pick him) but being able to pick churches and shaming Obama. The anchor questioned whether this would tear the Democratic party apart. The only question I have is why did it take so long to come to this? First, it's an election campaign so it's a given there will be mud, second, it's Hillary Clinton, who is a mean spirited witch that would stoop to anything to win (of course that's my opinion). But as for tearing the Democratic Party apart? I think I remember uglier races and I think we all understand that this is what politicians do.

I suggest you just vote for one of these guys, probably the one with the Halo like lighting in the background (I'm a sucker for subtle subliminal messaging).

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