Tuesday, January 6, 2009

News You Can't Use

Apparently, out of sleazy politicians, crooked used car dealers and sexual predators, news magazines have decided to start turning the hidden cameras on you and me in a "social experiment" which is little more than Alan Funt without the nostalgic charm. On What Would You Do?, hosted by John QuiƱones the premise is to put ordinary citizens in morally charged situations and film the reaction. The experiments were much less sophisticated than the "elevator morality test" Jack Donaghy pulled on Kenneth on a recent episode of 30 Rock. The first segment placed two Hispanic actors in a deli with a racist actor behind the counter refusing to serve them. Before the first commercials there was ass after ass customer agreeing with the waiter. A few were down right scary. One guy apologized and seemed to learn a lesson, and through his lesson there was a little lesson for us all. Of course after the commercials we get to feel a little better about ourselves. Now we get the people that stand up to the racist. So far it's playing out like you would expect. ABC News has shown that some people are racist asses and some are decent. The wrap up at the end said that of the 88 people tested 40% did nothing 6 people, a little more than 6% joined in the bad behavior and the rest stood up and took up for the Hispanic actors. If you had just stopped me on the street and asked me, I may have come up with those numbers by SWAG (scientific wild ass guess).

The second segment takes two American actors and puts them in France as the idea of the ugly Americans. In the first segment we have people sticking up for the ugly stereotype of the non-English speaking, immigrant worker. In the second segment we're treated to the ugly stereotype of the redneck, white trash Texans. Am I wrong in thinking an ugly stereotype is an ugly stereotype?

The Americans show up at fancy French restaurants and irritate other patrons. I feel like I've already gone on too long about this dumb-ass show so I'll cut to the chase. It turns out the people that had the biggest problem with the Americans were other American tourists. In this wrap up most of the French victims of the ruse all had a good laugh and found the couple amusing and interesting. They showed an amazing sense of humor. As over the top ridiculous as ABC made these people I can't help but think everyone knew it was a joke but the other American tourists. Of course there were several dirty looks from the French but honestly if they had behaved that way in any country the result would have been the same. By way of justification John QuiƱones points out that in a recent survey it wasn't the ugly Americans rated as the worst tourists but the...wait for it...French! Hah, take that you calm, good natured bastards!

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