Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Golden Globes

Some thoughts while watching,
  • Going green is still as important as ever but...
  • I now want to be a "social activist". I'm not sure what the requirement is, I think you just have to be an actor.
  • Clint Eastwood did not loose best song award to Miley Cyrus. I'm relieved because tracking down all the voting members of the Foreign Press and killing them would have been tiring. I can take him loosing to the Boss.
  • Finally, a black man that doesn't look good with a shaved head, Don Cheadle.
  • I don't really know who the Jonas Brothers are but they seem cute and I hear they are virgins, good for them.
  • I've never heard of In Bruges but now I want to see it.
  • Tina Fey's eyes are set quite far apart.
  • Tracy Morgan is a funny m***** f*****. (My Mom reads the blog now)
  • The economic hard times are the new Iraq War
  • Thank God Obama won and everyone is leaving the politics out of the speeches.
  • Darren Aronofsky gave the finger, that means we'll have to hear about that for the next couple of months.
And my final God I must be bored.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you haven't seen In Bruges yet. It is in my top 10 favs of all time. You will LOVE it.


Brian said...

I kind of heard about it, but I use to not like Colin Farrel. He's okay now I guess.